Rr. Luigj Gurakuqi, Hyrja 1, Ap 19, Tirane, 1005, Albania

Accident in Albania

Before you are in an accident situation


  • Don’t drive an uninsured vehicle
  • Apply the traffic rules correctly while driving your vehicle.
  • Verify at any time the validity of your insurance policy and keep all vehicle documentation, including the insurance policy, with you in the vehicle.

1. Instructions when you are involved in an accident

When you are involved in an accident, you must:

  • Help the injured persons and notify the police immediately.
  • Provide license plate numbers and the identity of the driver of the other vehicle involved in the accident.
  • Approximately sketch the scene of the accident, showing the positioning of the vehicles involved in the accident and other circumstances surrounding the incident.
  • Not to assume responsibility for the Insurance Event, if you are not convinced of it.
  • Notify immediately and without delay, the nearest branch of the insurance company that issued the insurance policy.
  • Equip yourself with a scanned copy of the Minutes of finding the violation (fine), issued by the Police.
  • Ask the cause of the damage to complete the Friendly Verification of the event – Notice of the insurance event.
  • Do not repair the vehicle without notifying and obtaining the approval of the company where you are insured.
Nëse shkaktari i dëmit është i pasiguruar apo është i pajisur me Karton Jeshil, praktika e dëmit trajtohet nga Byroja Shqiptare e Sigurimit.

2. Documentation for filing a claim for compensation

In accordance with the Law “On Compulsory Insurance” and the Regulation of the Financial Supervision Authority issued in implementation of the law, in the case of being involved in an accident, the relevant documentation must be completed and presented in order to receive compensation for the damage.

The party injured by the accident, depending on the type of damage suffered, must complete the following documentation depending on:
A. Health damage.
B. Material Damage.
C. Non-Pecuniary Damages.

A. Documents for health damage

Documents for health damages are divided as follows:

A.1. General Documents

a. Notification / claim of the injured party for compensation registered with the insurance company (or at the Bureau when the cause is found to be uninsured or with a Green Card policy).
b. Confirmation of insurance coverage issued by the insurance company of the vehicle causing the accident.
c. Friendly event validation form.
d. Verbal process of finding the violation by the Traffic Police for the incident.
e. The decision of the Prosecution/Court on the event, when the accident results in serious injuries or death.
p. The final decision of the Court on the responsibilities in the accident, when one of the motor vehicle drivers involved in the accident results in death or serious injury, or the decision of the prosecution when the case is closed.

A.2. Specific documents

a. Family certificate and Letter of notification / ID.
b. Verification of personal net income for the last three years.

A.3. For health damage resulting in death

In addition to those provided in points 1 and 2, the following documents will also be included:
a. Death record;
b. Death certificate.
c. The Court’s decision on determining the heirs of the deceased.

A.4. For health damage with permanent disability

In addition to those provided in points 1 and 2, the following documents will also be included:
a. The report of permanent incapacity for work which must be expressed in
percentage measure of disability, based on the table “Scale of
loss of permanent disability at work”.
b. X-ray/Scanner/Magnetic resonance/epicrisis/anamesis, hospital discharge sheet and discharge sheet and any other document that helps to assess the damage issued by the competent bodies.

A.5. For health damage with temporary disability

In addition to those provided in points 1 and 2, the temporary disability report will also be included, which must be according to the Model Model issued by the competent body.

B. Documents for material damage

Documents for material damages are divided as follows:

B.1. General Documents:

a. Injured party’s notice/claim for compensation recorded
near the insurance company.
b. Confirmation of insurance coverage by the insurance company of the vehicle
cause of damage.
c. Friendly Event Verification Form.
d. Verbal process of finding the violation by the Traffic Police for the event;
e. The decision of the Prosecutor’s Office for the incident, when the accident results in death
and/or serious injury.
p. The final decision of the court (for the responsibilities in the accident, when one of the motor vehicle drivers involved in the accident results in death or serious injury), or the decision of the prosecutor’s office when the case is closed.

B.2. Specific documents

a. Ownership document of the damaged vehicle or object;
b. Bull’s examination act:
c. Photo of the vehicle causing the damage.
d. Photos of the damaged vehicle or object;
e. The model of the claim for compensation;

* Internal Regulation;
* Explanatory Memorandum of IR;
* Law “On Compulsory Insurance”;
* AMF regulation;
* Address of UN Member Offices;
* Green Cardboard Specimen;

Insurance Quote