From January 1, 2025, what happens to “Green Card” insurance?

Starting from January 1st, government authorities are obliged to accept International Motor Insurance Certificates (IMIC), also known as ‘Green Cards’, in physical or electronic format, PDF.

The “Green Card” system facilitates the free movement of cross-border road traffic by removing barriers in 48 different countries in Europe and North Africa.

It is estimated that up to 500 million road vehicles are equipped with this insurance throughout the Green Card area.

The Council of Bureaux (COB) is the international organization responsible for the “Green Card”, consisting of 60 member organizations.

Member States of the System where the “Green Card” is valid:

Belgium, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Finland, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Luxembourg, Norway, Netherlands, Sweden, Slovakia, Germany, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Portugal, Serbia, Austria, Poland, Turkey, Romania, Israel, Morocco, Tunisia, Iceland, Bulgaria, Malta, Estonia, Croatia, Slovenia, North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Andorra, Cyprus, Moldova, Ukraine, Latvia, Belarus, Lithuania, Russia, Montenegro, Azerbaijan.

Why should we have a “Green Card” when traveling outside Albania?

– Having a “Green Card” is mandatory for any vehicle traveling outside the Republic of Albania (excluding Kosovo).

– Not having a “Green Card” insurance has legal penalties depending on the country you are traveling to.

– The lack of a “Green Card” is also a legal reason for refusal of travel by the local police.

– The greatest risk is the damage that may be caused to third parties by the driver of the vehicle.

In most countries there is no legal limit on the amount of compensation, but the driver of the vehicle must pay the full amount of the damage he causes, which can reach millions of euros.

The duration of the “Green Card” can be 15 days, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months or 1 year, depending on the days of your stay outside Albania.

Buy the “Green Card” online from one of the insurance companies and travel safely outside Albania.

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