Speech by Sandra Schwarz

Dear Colleagues,

The Green Card system is a stable and reliable network across Europe, North Africa and the Middle East that ensures efficient protection of cross border road traffic victims. The Council of Bureaux as Managing organization of the Green Card Bureaus plays a key role. The function of its President would allow me to set impulses in order to achieve the golas described below.

Protection of victims is the core of our system, financial stability one of its keys. No doubt we must continue to support those members who meet financial instabilities in their markets and at the same time take appropriate measures in order to protect all other Bureaus.

To ensure the proper functioning of our system we also need internal stability. My impression is that during the last years we gradually stopped relying on principles like trust and cooperation.

Instead of interpreting our internal agreements, we increasingly start to write new rules and regulation as if we could no longer count on bilaterally agreed solution. In a system that is based on trust it shouldn’t be necessaty to annually amend the basis contracts for our cooperation.

We find ourselves in the middle of the so called ‘harmonisation process”. As member and meanwhile chair of the Working Group on Harmonisation of course I have a strong interest in its success.

Without any doubt, the approval of the new constitution as well as the adherence of Guarantee Funds will be important steps forward. The efficient completion of the project will take much longer and requires several elements in order to overcome still existing reservations. In order to achieve this, we have to ensure that our focus is on key elements like transparency, open discussions and involvement of Regional Groups. We have to find back to an open communication culture within the CoB.

Our colleagues in the future Supervisory Board will have to make strategical decisions. They are expected to have a balanced view on certain developments. To ensure their work will be efficient, we need a recollection of basic principles: Consideration of arguments presented by minorities as well as acceptance of majority decisions.

I am willing to take the responsibility for the position of CoB’s President and thank you for placing your trust im me.

Sandra Schwarz

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